Non denominational Churches (Explained)

Meaning of Non-Denominational
The denomination is defined as a class, group, or society of individuals, called by the same name. A church denomination is a group of religious organizations that have the same beliefs and are faithful to their faith. There are over 40,000 different Christian denominations, however, research has shown that there are three main branches: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant. 50% make up the Catholic believers, 39% are Protestants and 11% make up the Orthodox believers.
Coming to the non-denominational Churches, they’re Christian believers who do not belong to any religion. They usually separate themselves from other Christian beliefs and traditions. Unlike the denominational churches that have their particular belief and way of worship, nondenominational do not belong to any category of religion.
The nondenominational churches are formed by pastors and clergymen, they operate on a standard and unique system. They establish these churches to practice a unique standard of Christian worship.
There is a close relationship between the nondenominational churches and the Protestants in terms of worship and beliefs and some traditional adjustments. They have some similar Christian practices to that of the denominational churches. Some of the Protestant denominations have common Christian practices which include Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Lutheran.
As earlier stated these churches were formed by individuals to have a unique Christian practice.
Below are some nondenominational churches;
1. Independent Christian Churches
This church has a common belief with the Churches of Christ, they also make use of instruments during worship. They believe in the restoration of Christian practices and also support the teaching of Christ.
2. Churches of Christ
These groups are district in their beliefs, the bible is always their source of faith and beliefs. Their baptism is usually at the adult stage and they’re ruled by some nominated church leaders. The church of Christ also has weekly services and practices weekly Communion service. Their most unique practices include their special way of worship and singing which is done by the acapella choristers.
3. Hope Haven
Hope Haven was established in Iowa in the year 1964, they are concerned with assisting people. Their goal is to help the disabled. They assist the disabled and less privileged
with jobs and personal needs, health assistance, religious support, financial needs, and other needs.
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Advantages and disadvantage of Non-Denominational Churches
The idea of becoming independent might lead to self-righteousness and the formation of personal beliefs and faith that suit their way of life. Compromising Christ’s teaching is likely to occur.
This makes it easier for people to stray from the standard Christian practice and adapt to the present worldly style of worship.
This category of churches is more likely to switch to the modern way of worship that doesn’t conform to Christ’s teaching.
They might fall off track when it comes to religious standards and principles, unlike other denominations. The disparity of Christian brethren leads to confusion and segregation in terms of theological practice and interpretations including how they view things religiously.
Boston University theology scholar, Stephen Prothero speaks against nondenominationalism. It says that they tend to neglect the main purpose of theological and religious practices which brought about the unity that exists among Christians.
Scriptures that talk about non-denominational churches
1. Acts 2:42
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
2.2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
3.1 Corinthians 10:1-33
For I want you to know, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ. Nevertheless, with most of them God was not pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness
4. Luke 9:49-50
John answered, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.” But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for the one who is not against you is for you
5. John 4:1-54
Now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John (although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples), he left Judea and departed again for Galilee. And he had to pass through Samaria. So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph.
6. Matthew 16:18
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
7.1 Thessalonians 2:13
And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.
8. John 16:13
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
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How to Know a Fake Pastor in Nigeria

Viewpoints about religion, churches, and pastors have always been debatable. With the rate of churches cropping up every day in Nigeria, inevitably, the number of fake pastors will also increase.
Most Christians fall into the hands of these fake pastors because they are always chasing miracles. These fake pastors pretend to be real pastors, but no matter how much they pretend, they can’t hide who they are forever.
Lots of scandals usually follow these fake pastors, therefore, giving a bad name to the body of Christ. To curb the ever-increasing rate of fake pastors, and guide you as a Christian so you don’t get entrapped in the net of these fake pastors, this article will show you various ways to identify fake pastors.
How to Know a Fake Pastor
1. They preach about wealth more than Salvation:
Any preacher or man of God who is constantly deviating from the principal message of Christ, the message of salvation should become a suspect. How can a pastor care more about enriching himself and pleasing his members rather than teaching them how to be saved on the last day?
Pastors who often preach about wealth or prosperity are always talking about tithes, offerings, seeding sowing, donating to the church, and praying for riches and wealth. While preaching about this topic is not bad, doing so excessively while neglecting the souls of members shows that the pastor is fake.
2. He asks you to pay for Deliverance/Family Liberation:
A genuine man of God will never ask you to pay a fee for him to conduct deliverance or do family prayers for you. Rather he prays for you by requesting anything in return. In the case of family liberation, a real pastor will never ask you to pay, instead, he will tell you that you will be responsible for any bill that they will incur ( Like transportation, accommodation, and feeding) especially if they (he and his prayer warriors) will be leaving their city to conduct the prayers.
3. He gives ungodly advice:
The Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. A fake pastor can never give you genuine or Godly advice. Why? Because his own heart and mind are never filled with the things of God.
One of the major responsibilities of a pastor is to lead and guide the people of God the right way. But instead, a fake pastor leads his members astray with his advice and guidance.
A good example of fake pastors is those pastors who pray for fraudsters, knowing fully well what they do. Instead of advising them to quit taking people hard hard-earned money, they encourage them to continue by praying for them and blessing their cars, and houses.
4. He asks you to buy spiritual materials from them:
Another way to know a fake pastor is that he asks you to buy spiritual materials from them, and their prices are usually very high.
While there is nothing wrong with a church having a shop as an extension that sells things like holy water, oil, and the rest, it’s wrong for a pastor to sell these items at an exorbitant rate, and also insist that members must buy them. Sometimes, most of these pastors refuse to pray for you using any material you buy from outside.
They use this as another avenue to make money from their members, and some of them might have already possessed these items with strange powers for miracles.
5. He is always showing off and concerned about his looks :
While nobody is saying that you should look dirty because you are a pastor, a genuine pastor should not be obsessed with his looks, he is not a pop star or celebrity. If a pastor is looking flamboyant, and dressing to kill, you might have a fake pastor on your hands.
In addition to dripping more than most pop stars, if a pastor insists on driving extravagant cars, and staying in extremely expensive hotels, he is most likely fake. The only exception to this is when maybe he was giving the car as a gift, or those who invited him over for a program made the accommodation arrangements for him.
6. He is Obsessed with performing miracles:
Even though miracles, signs, and wonders are guaranteed to follow a real pastor, when a pastor is always bent on performing miracles, then it’s a red flag.
If a pastor demonstrates more power(casting out demons, and performing miracles) than preaching the word of God to the people, just know that he is doing it for fame and money.
No matter how powerful a pastor is, he will never abandon the message of salvation to perform miracles always to please people. Any pastor who does such is fake.
7. He is constantly giving alarming prophecies to get attention:
This type of pastor is usually called a prophet of doom. They are always giving alarming prophecies to remain relevant in the public eye. Most times, these fake pastors usually use these prophecies to get more members, and they most especially give this during critical times (like election periods). These pastors are also controversial, uncouth, and confrontational. They usually bring division and hatred into the church through their prophecies.
8. He is more concerned about himself than the church:
Once a pastor begins to project his image more than that of the church, there is a 95% probability that you are dealing with a fake pastor. This is seen in most Christian communities today, many pastors are well-known, but most people who know them don’t know the name of their church.
A pastor is supposed to be a servant in the vineyard of God, taking care of the vines (The people of God) spreading the message of salvation, and not getting glory for himself. Once a pastor starts giving glory to himself rather than God, Run.
9. He never speaks the truth:
One very big red flag when it comes to knowing fake pastors is this. Fake pastors are people, pleasers. They preach to their members what they wish to hear, and the truth as it is in the bible for fear of losing their members.
Any pastor who preachers what his congregation wants rather than what God wants has no fear of God, and is fake according to Hosea 4:8.
10. He indiscriminately lays hands:
Be very mindful of pastors who indiscriminately lay hands on the heads of their members without promoting, or their members requesting prayers. These kinds of pastors are fake 1 Timothy 5:22.
Most pastors who do this are Fake and use such avenues to either steal people’s destinies, initiate them into occultic kingdoms, or control their lives.
Apart from these signs, other red flags that show that a pastor is a fake include:
- He teaches you to ignore revelations and leadings of the holy spirit
- He teaches facts, but not the truth from the bible
- He boasts more about himself
- He is more concerned about your financial status than spiritual growth and development
- He is often surrounded by scandals (Rape accusations, extorting members, adultery, etc.).
- He is not accountable
- He is unteachable and doesn’t want to share the spotlight
- He asks you to bring leaves, roots e.t.c for prayers.
How to Avoid falling into the traps of Fake Pastors
Although we have extensively discussed how to spot fake pastors, some of them hide their true selves so much, that it only takes God to reveal them to you. Here are some ways to avoid falling into the nest of fake pastors:
- Pray for the spirit of discernment
- Anything your spirit doesn’t accept a pastor or a church, leave.
- Study the word of God
- When you see more than two of the signs listed above, Run.
Wrapping up, in as much as fake pastors are increasing daily, especially in these end times, there are many genuine men of God out there to help you on your journey of salvation.
As long as you are in tune with the word of God, and the holy spirit, and watching out for these signs, you will easily detect a fake pastor.
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Seventh Day Adventist Church

Seventh-day Adventist Church is an Adventist Protestant church of Christ that worships on Saturday, the seventh day of the week, also known as the Sabbath day (Day of rest). The denomination started from the Millerite movement in the United States in the mid-19th century and became officially established in 1863. Other founders include Ellen G. White, whose detailed contents are appreciated by the church.
A complete part of the theology of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is according to popular evangelical religious teachings, examples are the Trinity and the stability of Scripture. Distinctive post-tribulation teachings involve the unawareness state of the dead and the doctrine of an investigative judgment.
The Adventist Church focuses on diet and good health, including adhering to Kosher food laws, encouraging vegetarianism, and fully understanding the person. They are also known for advancing religious freedom and its traditional principles and way of life.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is generally ruled by a General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, with younger, low-populated regions apportioned by sections, Local conferences, and union conferences. It is among the world’s fastest-growing and most popular churches.
It has over 21 million baptized members worldwide and 25 million committed members. As of May 2007, it was the twelfth-largest Christian as of May 2007 worldwide and the sixth-largest international Christian body.
It is distinct both ethnically and culturally, supporting the mission’s activities in over 215 countries and regions. The church functions in over 7,500 schools, including over 100 post-secondary institutions, many hospitals, and publishing houses worldwide, including a humanitarian support association called the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA).
Classification of the Seventh-day Adventist church
Classification: Protestant
Orientation: Adventist
Theology: Arminianism, Seventh-day Adventist theology
Polity: Presbyterian/Episcopal
Founder: Joseph Bates, James White, Ellen G. White, J. N. Andrews.
President: Ted N. C. Wilson
Origin: May 21, 1863; 158 years, Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.
Region: Worldwide
Branched from: Millerites
Separations: SDA Reform Movement and True and Free SDAs (separated 1925, small minorities) Davidian SDAs (separated 1929, small minority)
Adventist Church of Promise (separated in 1932, small minority)
Congregations:92,186 churches,72,749 companies.
Nursing homes:133
Aid organization: Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Primary schools:5,915
Secondary schools:2,435
Tertiary institutions:115
Other name(s): Adventist church, SDA (informal)
What does the Seventh-day Adventist Church believe in?
Seventh-day Adventists support the central doctrines of Protestant Christianity, Which include the Trinity, the incarnation, the virgin birth, the substitutionary atonement, justification by faith, creation, the second coming, the resurrection of the dead, and lastly, the judgment.
The version of the Bible used by Seventh-day Adventists?
The Clear Word
Although the Seventh-day Adventist Church has not officially approved The Clear Word, it is currently printed by the Review and Herald Publishing Association.
The Clear Word bible classification
Complete Bible was published: in 1994
Authorship: Jack Blanco
Type of Translation: 100% paraphrase rate, Contemporary
Version revision: 1996
Their Belief and practices
The Seventh-day Adventists have fundamental religious beliefs similar to Protestants, including approval of the power of the Bible, awareness of the reality of human sin and the importance of redemption, and belief in Christ’s reparation work. They are officially in the trinity, acknowledging the three eternal persons in one God.
However, in different situations, they have ardently argued this belief which some groups of Adventist members did not accept. Seventh-day Adventist was established when a lot of Protestants were separated into Calvinist and Arminian camps, the present human choice and God’s election, the past focusing on the predestination and the supreme power of God.
The Adventists, at last, accepted the Arminian interpretation of Christ’s atonement. They debated that his death was “a means available for all men” but effective only for the people who present themselves to receive the benefit of his death.
Also, the thought of the Second Advent of Christ and two other issues kept the Adventists away from many Christians.
Initially, they worshipped Saturday instead of Sunday as Sabbath day. According to the scripture, this particular day was established by God, and the commandment about resting on the Sabbath day is also part of God’s eternal law.
Secondly, they also stay away from eating meat and taking stimulants and narcotics because they feel it’s harmful. Though they refer to the Bible to get justification for avoiding these dietary practices, they declare that these are basically on the wide theological teaching that the body is the temple of the holy spirit and should be preserved to prevent contamination.
Seven days Adventists emphasize tithing so they can gather yearly giving per capital which enables them to fund their worldwide mission work including their welfare activities. Because they don’t work on Saturdays, they normally have job issues. In the United States, they work together with the Jewish community to encourage laws that can approve the Sabbatarian practice.
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